123people is a people search engine that looks into nearly every corner of the Web to help you find information on everyone you (want to) know.
You can find comprehensive and centralized people profiles consisting of images, videos, phone numbers, email addresses, social networking and Wikipedia profiles and much more.
All of this rich media profile content is pulled from an extensive list of international sources like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing, YouTube and Wikipedia.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
123people - people search engine
Publicat de adrian la 3:52 AM 2 comentarii
Etichete: 123people, people search engine, web 2.0
docstoc - free legal forms and business templates
docstoc is a user generated community where you can find and share professional documents. Find free legal documents and free business documents.
Upload your documents for all the world to share.
Publicat de adrian la 12:03 AM 1 comentarii
Etichete: docstoc, free business documents, free legal documents
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
eBuddy Lite Messenger - new mobile version
eBuddy launched a complete new mobile version, built from the ground up to offer you the best chat experience on any mobile device, without having to install anything.
eBuddy Lite Messenger version allows you to login all your accounts at once.
Chat with your friends from all your MSN, Yahoo, AIM, and Google Talk accounts in one single buddy list!
eBuddy is an alternative to meebo, koolIM, imhaha, mabber.
Publicat de adrian la 10:22 PM 0 comentarii
Etichete: ebuddy, meebo alternative, web messenger
MeBeam - free video chat site
MeBeam is a free video chat site. Instant live video conferencing with up to 16 people at once.
Publicat de adrian la 8:30 AM 1 comentarii
Etichete: free video chat, mebeam, video conferencing
Qtrax - free and legal music downloads
Search, download and play over 2.500.000 songs.
Qtrax is a free and legal peer-to-peer (P2P) digital music site. Music lovers can discover new music and legally download full-length, high-quality versions of their favorite songs while compensating both the artists and the record labels through non-intrusive and relevant advertising.
Publicat de adrian la 1:27 AM 0 comentarii
Etichete: digital music, free music download, peer-to-peer, qtrax
Omemo - open source storage
Omemo is an open source social storage platform.
Store your files online, share your stuff and browse what other users store in the world's largest multimedia library: the Omemo peer-to-peer virtual hard-drive.
Publicat de adrian la 1:20 AM 0 comentarii
Etichete: omemo, online storage, peer-to-peer
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sex 2.0 : Boobik? Get to know people the sexy way
boobik is a social network and microblogging site, a place to meet people the sexy way.
You can get to know people through them sharing and broadcasting short experiences, thoughts and fantasies. You can follow others and receive immediate updates.
You can post texts (short, quick, max. 140 characters), pictures and videos via the site, IM, Text Messages or simply by Email.
Publicat de adrian la 10:48 PM 0 comentarii
Etichete: boobik, sex 2.0, social network
Free online video converters
This service allows you convert an online video like 'YouTube videos' to more popular formats like wmv, mov, mp4, mp3, 3gp etc
Convert videos from YouTube to: Windows (.wmv) , Mac (.mov), iPod/PSP/iPhone (.mp4), Mobile (.3gp), Audio Only (.mp3) and Flash (.flv).
Publicat de adrian la 5:53 AM 0 comentarii
Etichete: converttube, flvix, free online video converter, vconvert
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
jamendo - free, legal, unlimited music
Jamendo offers free access and free download of music tracks, published with Creative Commons licences. On Jamendo, the Artists choose to give access to their music for free to the users.
You can download mp3 music via the http protocol for free, legaly and without limitation, by clicking on the download links, directly from the jamendo player, from the album page or a playlist.
Publicat de adrian la 12:36 AM 0 comentarii
Etichete: free mp3 download, free music download, jamendo
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Freemusiczilla - free mp3 download from social music services
Freemusiczilla is the first tool specialized for social music downloading that enables you to download free mp3 music from Imeem, Last.fm, Pandora, MySpace, Digg, MOG, Radio.Blog.Club, eSnips and almost all social music services.
Publicat de adrian la 10:18 PM 0 comentarii
Etichete: free mp3 download, free music, freemusiczilla
qik - Streaming live videos right from your mobile
Qik enables you to share moments of your life with your friends, family and the world - directly from your cell phone.
Just point your cell phone and stream video live to your your friends on Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, etc. or use your cell phone like a camcorder and stream hours and hours of video without worrying about storage on your cell phone.
Publicat de adrian la 3:59 AM 0 comentarii
Etichete: mobile phone, qik, streaming, videos
cellware - free mobile content
Cellware was created to offer the users what the mobile content market was lacking - a community environment with a large, diverse selection of free mobile content (ringtones, wallpapers, videos, games, applications) providing the ability to create, edit and then offer your content for profit
Publicat de adrian la 12:27 AM 0 comentarii
Etichete: aplications, free games mobile, free mobile content, ringtones, wallpaper
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Pediaphon - Let your computer read out the Wikipedia for you
Pediaphon is a free service which generates MP3 audio files from Wikipedia articles by speech synthesis. These files can be played immediately in the web browser or be downloaded for later use in a MP3-Player. A podcast will be generated for each inquiry.
Publicat de adrian la 11:07 PM 0 comentarii